Quit the Job You Hate - Create the Life you Love!

Coming early 2016 - a new teleseminar called “The Career Crossroads - Should I Stay or Should I Go”. I’ll go through how you know without question that you need a change by examining the 6 common phases of career transition, 10 Ways You Know You’re Off Track and most importantly – The Price You’re Paying to remain in a career you’re not happy with."- Mario Piché


Hey there! My name is Mario Piché, and I’m a Career Transition Coach. I have been working for money since age seven. Seriously! I pumped gas after school, mowed lawns and tilled gardens with my dad's garden tractor - anything to earn spending money.

After graduating from high school, I decided that I wanted to take a year off from school; to “find myself”, decide what I wanted to do for a career and go to university or college to get the education required. Well, I took a job in a furniture warehouse and found that life as an adult, wasn't that easy. I wanted to earn more money. My uncle helped me get hired on at the railroad. When I took the job, it was only going to be a stepping-stone; something to pay for my education. In the beginning, I was laid off a few times and took a number of other jobs while waiting for my callback. 21 years later I was still there!! Before I knew it, I had gradually lost who I was, experienced a painful divorce & was simply existing. I was going through the motions at work, feeling unsatisfied and empty inside. I thought, “What happened to me? It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way.” My dreams were fading away and I was looking for a way out.

I got involved with a network marketing company during the last 10 years while at the railroad, hoping that would be my ticket out. I loved the positive atmosphere but was not passionate about the company or what I was doing. I decided that I had to leave that company and find a better solution.

That's when I ran into Jay Fiset & Personal Best Seminars. I continued the journey of self-discovery that began while working with the network marketing company. The tools, resources and people at Personal Best helped me to gain the courage I needed to leave my career of 21 years that I really didn't like. It had always been merely a paycheck – nothing more, nothing less. I became certified as a "Jumpstart Coach" through Personal Best Seminars, but my own fears prevented me from moving forward with passion & true calling. So therefore, I decided to try my hand in the banking world. I worked as a business account manager for 3½ years. I truly enjoyed the work I was doing and was quite satisfied until the last 12 months. I had realized that I was back in the same pattern that I was at the railway; working long hours, going through the motions & feeling empty inside. It was no accident that a new manager became my direct supervisor and let me say that we didn’t see eye to eye on a number of items. In short, I was the beneficiary of a performance letter while I was putting in 45-50 hours a week. To be clear, I was not ever told I had to. I did this of my own accord. Needless to say, the letter did not sit well with me.

As a result, I was searching for a new line of work – again! I decided that it was time to step into something that I am truly passionate about & exercise my talents; to answer my calling. Now I'm here to help you discover what your passion is, and help you move forward to the life you've always dreamt of.



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