Quit the Job You Hate - Create the Life you Love!

Coming early 2016 - a new teleseminar called “The Career Crossroads - Should I Stay or Should I Go”. I’ll go through how you know without question that you need a change by examining the 6 common phases of career transition, 10 Ways You Know You’re Off Track and most importantly – The Price You’re Paying to remain in a career you’re not happy with."- Mario Piché


"I've been developing and launching business and technology training programs for people in career transitions for over 20 years, and Mario Piché has a direct and no-nonsense approach that I wish more coaches would take. His programs are clear, concise and effective. Simply put....they work. If you are looking for someone who is "down-to-earth" and has the skills to help you find a job you truly love, Mario is THE Career Change Conductor I recommend." - Ronnie Tsunami, Learning Solution Architect and Co-Founder of Expertpreneur® Academy 



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